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17Limba sursă17
Engleză Ingredients: 8oz/250g or two cups of self...
8oz/250g or two cups of self raising flower (Or "all-purpose" flour with 3 teaspoons baking powder in North America)
1 oz/25g (¼ stick) of butter or margarine.
¼ pint (140ml or half to ¾ cup) sour cream
One beaten egg
Pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 400F/200C/Gas Mark 6.
Sift the dry ingredients together and then rub in the butter. Pour in the sour cream and then the beaten egg in the centre of the mixture and mix to obtain a soft elastic dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and roll out to about ½ inch (1.2cm) thick. Prick over with a fork and cut into small rounds with a cutter about 1½ inches (3.8cm) in diameter. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.
Scones are delicious if served warm. Cut in two and spread with butter and/or jam (preserves) to add even more flavour and moisture.

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Suedeză Ingredienser: 8oz/250g eller 2 koppar sj...